Armed with only a bottle full of water, I had to pick a make-shift umbrella off the leaf litter, which I have to say, worked better against the rain than I expected. Along with me, I have my dad who was lucky enough to find a large leaf with a perpendicular stem. My sis and Wenxian were equipped with rudimentary gear; a cap and a tiny face towel. My mum was the luckiest - she had Wenxian's umbrella!

Leaves as brollies.

Those crazy steep steps.
It was a satisfying morning after the slog in rain and perspiration. And perspire we did - after all those knee high steps and crazy slopes. Finally, we achieved the ultimate aim - reaching the highest topographical location in Singapore!

At the top of Singapore with my mentor
I expected a bird's eye, panaromic view of Singapore, but all there were available were tall thick trees and a whole lot of mist. I guess that's what nature parks should be about anyway - as little human disturbances or evidences of human intrusion as possible.

The summit!
Well, more can be found in habitatnews along with photos available here!

Leaves as brollies.

Those crazy steep steps.
It was a satisfying morning after the slog in rain and perspiration. And perspire we did - after all those knee high steps and crazy slopes. Finally, we achieved the ultimate aim - reaching the highest topographical location in Singapore!

At the top of Singapore with my mentor
I expected a bird's eye, panaromic view of Singapore, but all there were available were tall thick trees and a whole lot of mist. I guess that's what nature parks should be about anyway - as little human disturbances or evidences of human intrusion as possible.

The summit!
Well, more can be found in habitatnews along with photos available here!
How did you managed to drag your family along?! Glad they enjoyed the walk.
For a better link to photos, see the Briskwalk page.
My mum was really enthusiastic, so she whipped the whole family along.
I guess it's only the morning inertia of getting up that's hard to overcome. But even my sis made it eventually - though not without a little grouchy mood in the air.
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