Monday, 2 July 2007

Googling Earth for ICCS Part II - Google Maps

It's Google Maps time after my first run of the ICCS maps on Google Earth. Basically, Google Maps is rather similar to Google Earth. The main difference is that Google Maps can be viewed online while Google Earth needs to be downloaded.

Google Maps.

You can mark down the places just like how you would for Google Earth and save it online or as a KML file. Sharing Google Maps is easy too; you can either send it as a hyperlink (to be viewed online) or as a KML file (to be viewed on Google Earth).

After exploring Google Maps, I realised one horrible truth: Landmarks that are marked down in Google Maps can be saved as a KML file and view in Google Earth. However, landmarks that are marked down in Google Earth and saved as a KMZ file cannot be viewed in Google Maps. *GASP*

You must be wondering why it is horrible to me. Siva once told me that not all people would know how to use Google Earth and majority of them wouldn't even spend the time downloading the program. An online interactive map is in fact better and could reach out to more people. Therefore, now, there's a high chance that I may be remarking the same landmarks on Google Maps. *Cries*

Unless I'm wrong with the fact that KMZ file cannot be viewed in Google Maps. Or maybe there's some way in which i can intergrate Google Earth maps into Google Maps.

Calling all Google Earth/Maps geeks out there! Please Save Me!!!

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Mini Tutorial on Google Earth By a So-So Google Earth User

I've advanced from a Google Earth viewer to a Google Earth user, credits to the assignment Siva had entrusted me with. Now, please give a chance to pass these skills to people who are interested to be a Google Earth user too!

An overview of Google Earth. The globe greets you once you start the program.

Google Earth isn't a difficult program to use. Perhaps, you could try to find your home and get yourself familiarize with the navigation control and the program itself.

If you are overwhelmed with all the trees, buildings and roads that you see at the satellite level, and had no idea what the place you are staring at is, no worries! You could switch on useful layers such as the roads, borders, populated places, and Google earth community. These will show you the landmarks and road names. Alternatively, you can download Singapore Placemarks Version 4.12. This will give you major landmarks and even MRT routes; it's definitely a very useful tool and worth downloading. =D

The layers control is at the bottom left hand side of the screen (as shown in the picture).

After you are done with exploring Google Earth, it's serious business time - marking places on it. I will show how to put a pin and make a path in this post.

Click to enlarge the picture. Follow the instructions in the picture to put a pin on a landmark. If you need to do amendments, right click on the pin and choose 'properties' (for Windows). For Mac users, choose 'get info'.

Click to enlarge the picture. Follow the instructions in the picture to draw a path.

Now, after all the pins and paths are in position, it's time to save your file and perhaps share it with others! Firstly, you've got to create a folder in say 'My Places'. Then drag all the items that you had created into this new folder.

Click to enlarge the picture. Follow the instructions in the picture to create a folder.

Now, you can save it as a KMZ file and share it with your friends! Simply attach the KMZ file to you email and you're done!

Click to enlarge the picture. Follow the instructions in the picture to save as a KMZ file.

It's the end of the tutorial! You are now certified as a Google Earth User! Congratulations!