Monday, 2 July 2007

Googling Earth for ICCS Part II - Google Maps

It's Google Maps time after my first run of the ICCS maps on Google Earth. Basically, Google Maps is rather similar to Google Earth. The main difference is that Google Maps can be viewed online while Google Earth needs to be downloaded.

Google Maps.

You can mark down the places just like how you would for Google Earth and save it online or as a KML file. Sharing Google Maps is easy too; you can either send it as a hyperlink (to be viewed online) or as a KML file (to be viewed on Google Earth).

After exploring Google Maps, I realised one horrible truth: Landmarks that are marked down in Google Maps can be saved as a KML file and view in Google Earth. However, landmarks that are marked down in Google Earth and saved as a KMZ file cannot be viewed in Google Maps. *GASP*

You must be wondering why it is horrible to me. Siva once told me that not all people would know how to use Google Earth and majority of them wouldn't even spend the time downloading the program. An online interactive map is in fact better and could reach out to more people. Therefore, now, there's a high chance that I may be remarking the same landmarks on Google Maps. *Cries*

Unless I'm wrong with the fact that KMZ file cannot be viewed in Google Maps. Or maybe there's some way in which i can intergrate Google Earth maps into Google Maps.

Calling all Google Earth/Maps geeks out there! Please Save Me!!!


Sivasothi said...

Hey singeo offered help, you're saved!

Singeo said...

There are several ways of displaying your kmz (or kml) files in Google Maps. The easiest way is to simply type the location of the file in the Google Maps search box, you can then link to the resulting map. So, for example, this link will take you to a map of the current dengue hotspots (created as a kmz file and stored on my server):

This is the easy way, the downside os that your users will be taken to the Google Maps site and you have no control over how the map is displayed. If you want to put a Google Map on your own site and display your kml in it you will need to use the Google Maps API and will need some javascript skills.

Hope this helps.


Singeo (singeo(at)

Vac said...

Hi singeo, thanks for your help! =D Was about to email you for advice.. I'll go try it!